About Flourish Beaver County

About Flourish Beaver County

Flourish Beaver County is led by a full-time executive director overseen by a cross-sector operating committee  with task forces and committees arranged in support of its overarching goal. Flourish will build on assets that exist in the community while also expanding resources for our students.

Beaver County is adapting to an ever-changing society.

Representatives from municipalities and county government, school boards, school districts, charter schools, law enforcement, private business, local philanthropy, higher education and others are coming together to create a collaborative, inclusive, transparent, county-wide organization with the purpose of enhancing and maximizing future educational opportunities for all students in Beaver County under the following pillars:

Academic Programming

The challenges that prevent young people from succeeding in Beaver County are not only academic in nature. Social, emotional and physical health challenges are often connected with poor academic performance and behavioral issues. Flourish Beaver County will work to provide programming, supports and services that begin to alleviate both the non-academic and academic pinch points for young people.

Eliminate Academic Barriers

Working together, the entire Beaver County community can begin to eliminate those barriers to success and build a pathway from pre-kindergarten through postsecondary that ensures the gifts and talents of all students are realized. This effort is done in support of, and in concert with, school boards and superintendents as a way to bolster the efforts of the school districts.


A key catalytic element of Flourish Beaver County is a last dollar tuition scholarship provided as a tangible incentive to families in our community and breaks down some of the financial barriers that prohibit certain young people from achieving post-secondary degrees (trade, two or four year). All students are positively impacted when all their classmates have an expectation of post high school education. This need-based scholarship will be public and privately-funded and available to students in all participating schools.